From the

College of Physiotherapists of Ontario


Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners

In our post CoVid19 days….now into infection control days….

Masking mandates were lifted provincially on June 11, 2022. However, although masks are no longer mandatory, if you have symptoms of cold or flu, Drew Osteopathy requests patients to continue to wear masks for the health and safety of both of us.

I will wear a mask during treatment and consultations if conditions require or if a patient is more comfortable with me wearing a mask.

I do ask that if you are not feeling well to let me know so that I can reschedule your appointment. Please feel free to contact me at 807-700-1600 or if you have any further questions.

Please consider your personal health when deciding to attend your appointment. If you have any concern about a close contact of COVID-19, please cancel your appointment.

All patients are to wear a 3 layer mask when attending treatments; if you do not have one, one will be provided for you. Depending upon the risk assessment, I will be in a minimum of a mask and use eye protection. I may also use a gown and/or gloves if deemed required.

Hand sanitizer is available upon entering and leaving the office. Your temperature will be taken with a contactless thermometer if you are not feeling well.

The clinic can now offer RAPID ANTIGEN tests as well. These consist of a throat and nasal swab.

If you have had CoVid 19, please consider the following information from the World Health Organization Support for rehabilitation: self-management after COVID-19-related illness second edition

Be Safe and Be Well